Tuesday, April 7, 2009


In the comments of my last post, Jennifer asked if, since we both intend to knit the "Diminishing Rib Cardigan," we're both going to spin the yarn for it, too. Well, sure!

As soon as I rescue the first two skeins of yarn I made.

I thought I was pretty slick, spinning my yarn and measuring it with my WPI tool. I was downright smug about it. Y'all know where this is going...

Naturally, after I plied and washed my yarn, it...bloomed. It fluffed up. Expanded. What was supposed to be an 8-wraps-per-inch yarn became a 4-wpi-yarn. Which mean not only was the yarn totally wrong for its intended purpose, but I wouldn't have enough yardage anyway. Plus, I just didn't like it at that thickness, so plying it all and use it for a different project wasn't appealing, either.

I went ahead and made a skein from the same singles, except this time a 2-ply. OF COURSE it was perfect. Just what I wanted. The thickness, the color, the character. Arrrrgggh. I consulted the website to see if I could buy more fiber and dye and perhaps recreate my results. They were out of stock on the lovely silk merino blend. More arrrrrrrgggh. Then I looked at my two hideous 3-ply skeins and lamented wasting such gorgeous fiber. Arrrrggggh, again.

Then I realized...why don't I just unply it? Oh. Yeah.

So, last night I unspun the one 3ply skein back onto a bobbin, I put one of the three plies on my ball winder and the other two on my skeiner and made Dug help me manage it as I took the yarn apart. It was a time-consuming pain in the booty because we had to stop and untwist the bobbin and undo snarls...but it worked!

I just have to cross my fingers that it still looks right once I re-ply and wash it. I want my green sweater, people.