Monday, June 9, 2008


This weekend, I shirked all of my worldly responsibilities and I spun. I spun and spun and spun and spun. I spun all night on Friday instead of sleeping. I spun all day on Saturday in between social activities that did not involve cleaning or mowing the lawn. I spun late into the night on Saturday. Sunday I got up at 6:45 and spun. I took a short break to do some chores for my mom (in the most half-assed, unhelpful possible way) and then we went back to my house and I spun ALL FREAKING day. Here is what I have to show for all my spinning:

See that photo?
You don't?
You don't see a photo there, showing all the glorious results of my spinning fanaticism?

That's because THERE IS NO PHOTO. Somehow, all of that dedicated, frantic spinning resulted in nothing.

Well, not entirely nothing, but nothing FINISHED. I decided I was going to get all the Roadkill Alpaca spun up and plied, as well as the rest of the Blugly. Problem was, the Roadkill just wouldn't die. Every time I thought I was done, there was another little pile of it. It's like it was multiplying. I've started Navajo plying it, but I STILL have more to spin into singles. It's just not right. (Except that it is so fun to spin that I can't stop.)

I now have 7 bobbins completely full of something-or-other, so tonight I'm going to have to start skeining and washing; I was hoping to do a bunch all at once, but I'll have to do it in stages to free up bobbin real estate. Maybe I should order some more bobbins? How many bobbins do most spinners have, customarily? I do not know.


Maxim said...

Apparently having hundreds of "storage bobbins" isn't crazy.

Maxim said...

Well, maybe it's crazy, but it's not unheard of.

Carey said...

Hey, that article is filled with really good advice. AND, it validates my desire for lots of bobbins while offering inexpensive solutions. How thoughtful of you, Maxim - thank you!