Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I haven't been great about taking and posting pictures of all my work this week, but that is because I have so many things in a deplorable state of Half Finished. I have half a pair of Froot Loop Socks knitted. I have half a Clementine Shawlette knitted. I have half of one Random Sock Of No Particular Pattern knitted. I have half of the singles spun up for the Nuclear Pumpkin sweater. All that work, but not much of anything to show for myself. Although, I'll end up finishing ALL of those things in one week and then I'll think I'm superwoman!

I also have a lot of yarn waiting patiently to be knitted, and with my spinning, the yarn pile grows bigger and bigger every week.

My plan of attack for this week is (and I'm making a list here more for my own organizational benefit than actually thinking all of you REALLY CARE how I'm going to get things done):
  1. Photograph all the stuff I bought a few weeks ago at Yarn Barn when I went with Jennifer, and put it all up on the blog. I bragged about going right before we went, but never followed up with the results!
  2. Finish the Froot Loop Socks during Car Pool Waiting Time.
  3. Start a new pair of socks to knit during Car Pool Waiting Time, possibly with the dark purple KnitPicks Gloss yarn I accidentally bought while ordering needles for Blugly. (I need to find good, complex pattern for this project.)
  4. Start on the 2nd half of the Clementine Shawl during Weekend Movie Time.
  5. Knit the Random Sock Of No Particular Pattern during times when I can't really concentrate on counting and just need something mindless to keep my hands busy.
  6. Learn a new spinning technique - Spinning From The Fold.
I think I shall put off really going nuts on the Nuclear Pumpkin stuff for now, because if I get any of it plied and skeined, I'll want to start knitting it right away and I have so much yarn to get through. I'm just going to keep plugging away at the singles. I did predraft a lot more of it this weekend. I'm guessing that I'm going to have a lot of NP fiber left over after this sweater. Yay!


Dug said...

You ARE superwoman, Stupid. Regardez: You are almost constantly spinning or knitting SOMETHING, when you are not at work, thinking about your diet, doing housework or doing all of the AMAZING stuff you do to take care of your mother while she is having her illness time. AND you do a very good job of taking care of Doug. Here's to Superwoman!!!

MickieMcDog said...

Yes, you are totally Superwoman (except for the boobies part)! I was telling MG that you are the best daughter in the world and he wants me to pick out an award to give you, but that is so not good enough. I appreciate the sentiment, for sure, and so am telling you about it, but maybe I will think of "something" better than an award. Anyway, thank you, MG, for the wonderful offer. And thank you, CB, for everything!

Carey said...

So now I am totally crying at work, and have no kleenex, and the tears show up really well on my shirt, so I'm trying to surreptitiously wipe my face on my pants legs without anyone walking by and asking why I am posing as a pretzel at my desk. This is going well.

Also, wait, what about Superwoman's boobies?