It's just that I have all this stuff going on. Anyway, yesterday a friend of mine asked me to make a Cookie Monster hat for her little smunchkin, and sent me an example from Etsy featuring someone selling Cookie Monster and other Sesame Street themed hats, and this brought up a couple of interesting discussion topics:
1. Does this lady have permission from the Sesame Street people to make and sell stuff that is trademarked by them? (She might - who knows?) It was just interesting to me because I read an article recently about various knitters being stopped from doing just that by the television producers they were ripping off. They were ripping them off out of love (and several stories had a happy ending in which the producers thought the knitted rip-off items were so cute that they gave the knitters permission) but still - taking someone else's property without permission and selling it. Duh.
2. EEEEEEEEE! Cookie Monster is cute!!!
I didn't find a pattern anywhere (that was free and/or looked the way I wanted it to), and not wanting to rip this lady off by copying off her exactly (even though she's possibly ripping off Sesame Street), I bought some blue yarn and set about knitting in my favorite way - cast on and knit until it looks like a Cookie Monster. (If I was knitting something else, though, like a sock, I would knit until it looked like a sock, not a Cookie Monster.) I've cast on a few stitches to check gauge and encountered my first problem: I do not know how big a 6 month old child's head is, so how the #$#$ am I supposed to know if the size is right? I'm also doing a knitted hem (the one my friend showed me has a rolled edge, which is a little girly, and this hat is for a little boy) which brings me to my second problem: I do not know how the $#$# to knit a knitted hem. I haven't got very far on the hem yet, but I think I should have started it on smaller needles and then moved to larger needles when the hem is done; otherwise the hem threatens to be ridiculously bulky when folded. Probably tonight I'll start over. YAY, starting over!
Speaking of which, I have decided that I am going to start the Clementine Shawlette over. And I will probably make some modifications and just knit it all in one piece instead of knitting the two sides and grafting them together; I just have a horrible feeling that grafting with this particular yarn will be a nightmare. In which case it will no longer be a Clementine Shawlette, it will be something else entirely. Which is okay by me. I'm not picky. [snicker]
Who are the Aliens?
7 years ago
Cookie Monster is indeed cute.
Also, you probably don't have ADD. I think. Oh look, CORN!
I don't know if I'd screw with the muppet enforcers. They are decidedly less cute!
Ma na ma na.
there are probably statistics online of the avg. head circumference of a 6 month old in the US.
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