I've been floundering over whether to (A) save my money for a second wheel or (B) just pimp out my Kiwi to increase its functionality. I was going to get a WooLee Winder flyer for it. This is a special flyer made by an independent manufacturer, and they make versions for pretty much every spinning wheel on the market. The advantage of this item is that as the yarn winds onto the bobbin, the WooLee Winder automatically moves the yarn up and down the bobbin so that it winds on evenly - whereas normally you'd have to do this manually; stopping the spinning to quickly move the yarn to a new spot on flyer.
Wait, not explaining this very well for my non-spinning friends. Okay, here's a picture of my Kiwi, stolen from the internet. The part with the yarn-filled bobbin fitted into it is called the Flyer, and you can see hooks running along that top arm of the Flyer. The yarn is held with those hooks as you are spinning, and very often you have to stop spinning and move the yarn to a different hook so that the bobbin will fill up evenly. This is not a big deal, but being able to spin without stopping would be really, really nice.
I was all excited because my mom was TOTALLY GOING TO BUY IT FOR ME for my birthday. Except, I was certain that I had read that a WooLee Winder would cost $100, and that is all. But it turns out that it costs $185...AND with my particular wheel you can't use the existing bobbins; you have to use the ones designed for this Winder...AND those bobbins cost $31/each. So I added up the Winder and the extra bobbins and the shipping and it came out to $418. Which is a quite a different number from my originally budgeted $100. This is not to say that the WooLee Winder is not an amazing product and that the price is not appropriate - I'm sure it is - but I just can't justify spending that money on my little Kiwi.
DRAT. I am so disappointed, over this silly little material object. It kind of makes me feel petty/selfish/childish...but I wanted it! [insert temper tantrum here] Now I don't know what to do. Any ideas?
Who are the Aliens?
7 years ago
What would a more capable wheel cost and how much could you sell you kiwi for?
You could sell stuff, something like a kidney, blood, or yarn that you made.
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