Wednesday, December 31, 2008

About 2008

Good Things Which Took Place During The Year 2008:

1. I got a spinning wheel.
2. I knitted a bunch of crap, including this scarf, which is finally finished, and which I adore:

Yes, yes I am wearing it indoors, with my jammies, while I am using the computer. I can do what I want.

I was about to make a list of Not So Good Things That Happened In 2008 and wallow in the misery of mortality and...bah. Can't do it. I'm ending this year with a smile on my face.

My not-so-good thing of 2008 has been my mom having cancer. How downtrodden can I justifiably be, though? After all, she's living to see the new year. Despite being in hospice care, she's vibrantly alive, staying in my home, hasn't been sick or in a lot of pain, has already beaten the odds she was given and she's cheerfully suggesting, "Update your blog, you miserable little bitch!" Sure thing, mom!

I guess I should be adding "mom kicking cancer's ass" to the top of the list of good things that happened in 2008.

Nevertheless, Angus is still getting drunk tonight:


Maxim said...

You ever consider chaining a princess Leia doll to Angus?

Carey said...

Yes. In fact, my next door neighbor names all the cats on our street after Star Wars characters (regardless of whether the cats already HAVE names) and he calls Angus "Jabba the Cat".

Anonymous said...

Your mom told me about your blog awhile back so I had to look it up!

"Update your blog, you miserable little bitch!" Sure thing, mom!- I can totally hear her saying that to you! :)

I hope that you are doing okay and are taking care of your self in addition to your mom. I miss seeing her at work.

Please let me know if you or Jerry need anything.

Stacey @ CAM Incorporated