With Jennifer's permission (and a provision that I allow her to make fun of my driving and the fact that I frequently fall on my ass in parking lots for no apparent reason whenever she pleases), I am going to post a little pronunciation guide to help her out with a couple of problem words.
1. WHORL: Pronounced "wurl" or "worl".
A whorl on a spinning wheel determines how many times the flyer turns per one turn of the drive wheel. Although it is not pronounced, as Jennifer would have us think, "whore-ell" or "whore-thingy," I think Jennifer's way is better and I intend to use hers from now on.
2. CTHULHU: Pronounced "kuh-thoo-loo". A fictional character by H.P. Lovecraft, Cthulhu is a high priest of elderly gods, according to dictionary.com, and his name is not pronounced "CHALUPA."
I was so confused when Jennifer asked to borrow my Creepy Cute Crochet book so she could make a chalupa. I cannot tell you how delighted I was when I discovered she was trying to say Cthulhu. I may have squealed.
I am sure she is on her blog right now, telling all of you about the alarming number of interesting maneuvers I executed while driving at lunch today and describing in detail the time I spontaneously "sat down" in the parking lot of Jason's Deli in front of hundreds of stunned onlookers.
Who are the Aliens?
7 years ago
There are so many things I can blog about, how to choose?? They are all so great. I still talk about the time you ripped one and opened a portal to hell in my car. Good times, good times. You knew our friendship was going to last when I offered to drive the next day.
HA!.. The whole Cthulhu thing made me laugh out loud! I still tell people about Jennifer's husband's mispronunciation of Olathe...
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