Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Yeah, I know - I'm not a good blogger. But I had stuff to do. For example, before I ever read on the internet that there are a thousand reasons that cotton can't be spun by a beginner or without a high-speed wheel, I bought this cute little cotton sampler at Cottage Fiber. (Which, sadly, is closing up shop here in KC but will be setting up an online store, so I highly encourage all of you to take up knitting and spinning and give your business to our friends here: www.cottagefiber.com)
Anyway, I bought this kit, and began spinning it. Took some time; there were a lot of embarrassing mishaps before I figured out how to make it work, but eventually I bent it to my will.
See? That's will-bending, right there, that is.

And here's the final two ply. I bought some inexpensive Lion Brand cotton to go with it, since I only ended up with one skein (from two cotton kits plied together, actually).

I'm not actually sure what to make with it yet. We found a good hat pattern, but now I'm not so sure. I think I'll put up a new poll!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Headline News: World Conspires to Keep Girl From Spinning

Well, TAKE THAT, world. TAKE THAT: I know. It's more of the same old stuff. Here we have the final ME2, ready to be Navajo plied, the second skein of ME2, and some plied Blugly ready to be washed. I have two more bits of Blugly to spin up and then my spinning wheel will get to do something NEW. Probably I will spin up the rest of that Fishguts wool my mom dyed, and then spin the remaining bits of wool I'd bought to practice with. Then, for real, on to something new!

Just so everyone knows, there are NO PETS allowed in our laundry room. The laundry room is a pet-hair-free zone. Thank goodness there are NO PETS in this laundry room:
On another random aside, I noticed this label on a pizza box this weekend:
Wow. This economy is bringing EVERYBODY down.