Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Headline News: World Conspires to Keep Girl From Spinning

Well, TAKE THAT, world. TAKE THAT: I know. It's more of the same old stuff. Here we have the final ME2, ready to be Navajo plied, the second skein of ME2, and some plied Blugly ready to be washed. I have two more bits of Blugly to spin up and then my spinning wheel will get to do something NEW. Probably I will spin up the rest of that Fishguts wool my mom dyed, and then spin the remaining bits of wool I'd bought to practice with. Then, for real, on to something new!

Just so everyone knows, there are NO PETS allowed in our laundry room. The laundry room is a pet-hair-free zone. Thank goodness there are NO PETS in this laundry room:
On another random aside, I noticed this label on a pizza box this weekend:
Wow. This economy is bringing EVERYBODY down.


Maxim said...

If you give him a good tip will he turn a few gallons of water to wine for you?

Carey said...

My mom thought maybe the reason it took so long to get the pizza is because the bacon kept coming back to life.

Dug said...

Just as I always suspected: Pizza really is the Food of the Gods.

Maxim said...

Well, you do need a godlike metabolism to eat it on a regular basis without ill effect...

zoƫ said...

Buddha was a god, and he would have looooved him sum pizza. Just ask yourself, WWBD?

Siddhartha sez: Or, you could ignore the ill effects (I assume you don't mean 'ill' as in good, like 'yo, boyy, we chillin' n illin' up in dis here joint') and just enjoy your damn life, like me n Jesus here.

Besides, if anyone could eat pizza on a regular basis and stay skinny, it's mm.