Monday, November 24, 2008


Since it's quite clear that we're going with the fabulous name Malicious Salad for my new fiber, I thought Jocelyn deserved a prize, so I knitted up this hat ("An Unoriginal Hat" by Stephanie Pearl McPhee) for her daughter, Allison. Jocelyn even gave me props on her family blog, so I am pleased and proud that her prize was met with approval! She also took this photo, which I happily stole from her:

Check out Jocelyn's blog for a picture of Allie actually wearing it. Cuteness!

I am thinking of making this same hat for Dug's cousin Jodee for Xmas. Normally, I am violently opposed to holiday-gift-knitting because I end up not being able to fulfill all of my promises...but I will do anything for Jodee. I frequently tell Dug that if he should ever leave me, I get to keep Jodee. He thinks her parents would have something to say about this, but I'm sure we can work out a deal.

1 comment:

Dug said...

I posted this because there were no other posts on this entry.