Thursday, July 3, 2008

Check it, yo:

Carey's Yarn on Paradise Fibers! How cool is that?

In other fiber related news, Jennifer and I get out of work early today, and we are thinking of heading off to The Yarn Barn in Lawrence, KS. (Founded by the same Lawrence who founded YOUR home town, Zoetrope - I think this guy just meandered across the continent starting up Lawrences.) I have promised Dug that I won't buy anything until I am done spinning Nuclear Pumpkin, The Random Red Stuff, and the Gigantic Bag Of Wool I Haven't Even Dyed Yet. However, it would not be cost effective to make a trip out there, not buy anything, and then have to make a SECOND trip out there, what with the price of gas these days. So, if I purchase anything today, it will simply be out of consideration of our budget. (We have a budget?) Also, I intend to hold Jennifer to our plans buy promising to do the driving and pointing out that I owe her a PRESENT. I know she can't turn down a present from Yarn Barn! I wonder what she will choose!

I shoulda brought my camera with me today.

1 comment:

JenLaurie said...

YAY present for me! Let's go now.