Monday, July 28, 2008

No Progress

This weekend I knitted and knitted and knitted and knitted without stopping, hellbent on finishing at least one project.

Goal #1: The Froot Loop Socks. Surely, I thought, if I knit the last sock for just four more hours, it will be done. I knit the sock all week during carpooling time. I knit it after work. I knit it during lunches. I knit it through a movie. I knitted the froot loop sock until I thought my arms were going to fall off. It is exactly the same size as it was at the beginning of the the week.

Goal #2: The Clementine Shawlette. I decided to add more length to the first half of it before starting and finishing the second half over the weekend - a good plan! Not so naive after the Froot Loop experience, I counted the repeats I had done so far - 11 - and decided it shouldn't take me more than 1/2 an hour to make it 16. So I knitted and knitted and knitted it. I knit through movies. I knit at bedtime. I knit during the day during spinning breaks. I knit on the bed, I knit on the couch, I may have knit on the toilet. Last night I counted my repeats again. 11. (And the second half has not, despite my best efforts, been started.)

Is it time for me to admit to myself that I am a SLOW knitter? Is there some reason that projects which would take a normal knitter a week to complete must take me months of nonstop knitting? Is this fair? I need to find out who assigns people their knitting speeds and ask for a recount, or something.


JenLaurie said...

Have you tried knitting under your house, sitting next to a mouse? Have you done it in a chair sitting in your underwear? Knitting and sitting in a chair in your underwear, while under your house, next to a mouse?

MickieMcDog said...

It is YOUR hobby - you should do whatever you want. Get a "Pooey Bag" and put that half a sock in it and say "Pooey on this sock" and forget it. So what if you just spin a ton of beautiful yarn and don't knit it all. You could give it to people who like to knit hats. And probably by the time you finish spinning NP, you will be ready to take a break and do some knitting!